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kl goes to keropok lekor !

today mira woke up at 7 am..yes that's great..great 4 me of coz..
then mndi2..breakfast rotii with family..8 am?yeah off to hutan bandar for a morning jog..
dgn kasut yg da agk ketat neyh,,jogging sepuass hati haha..
at last da tired gilaa mira turon playground=) dok la kt situ until they finished..
hurm watch christmas movies smpi bosann..and then my sis ajk tgk game plan..
'the rock' 's movie..
it was so cool..besh gilaa weh cite tuh..haha jakon kn ta penah tgok..
ha!before tuh ktrg minom ptg....kl???
kl:keropok lekor! haha..sdp hingga menjilat lidah?? oops wt eva=)
which one? kuala lumpur/keropok lekor?
hahah i don't even care about it..
because i love both!!
[eat 'kl' in 'kl']


s: selendang ??

yeeaaaha..well helo helo..
wat a day..mira tired gila ny coz two days i've had a bad stomach-ache..td ptg bru okayy sket..
like usual had a dinner with lovely family..mira ate porridge jea..ahha almaklum la kan,,prot ny wat hal..n n then prgi rumah atok..visit her coz bru jea blek from haji..then mira dpt gelaang..hihi nice nice taw..act nk story yg 2nite first time mira pki slendang(PINK okay)..waaa haha..who cares rite?..at first ,,it's kinda weirdo pfftt but i'd tried..heee i love it..i dun noe,my head feel free..alah wt eva =p..
okayy mira nk tido..hve a nice dream dear..nyte nyte !



yeahhh well hello!
urm few days da biarkan blog ni tekapai-kapai..haha..sory dear..kinda busy with life n homework maybe..
so um last thursday wow nice hang out with my frens..we went to jusco tebrau..n n then kitorg prgi angsana..kononnye nk buy some school's things haha but then at last mira just got sandal n 2 buku rujukan jea..but it was fun..no movies..cume jln2,,shopping a bit,lunch,starbucks...ohh haha lupe,,they were: asy@yuni; lysa; and nanie..spending time dgn diorg boley thn gile jugakk..pnt weh haha..gelak sana gelak sini..time eat pon asik gelak2 jea..haisy..notty hee~
ha! the best thing was 'abg lysa jdi driver ktrg'..pnjm one day jea..hehe..sory lysa..i owe u rm10 taw..t ak byr ea..plus the moment smpi rumah jea tade org act..i've got no idea how to get in..at last pnjt pgr jea..opss haha kantoi..then tgn luke sket ...bt great experience la,,1st time okay pnjt2 ny..haha..
alright then,,penaat dah cerita..got to go downstairs..tman mama tgk tv..hve a good nyte..~


Music Myspace Comments

music is my life.for me,no music,no life! haha.sometimes i thought that music is my boyfriend.weird?i don't care.i do love music damn much because music speaks what cannot be expressed and soothes my mind.and and music flows from heaven to my soul..omg,,ily music!


i admire la smile tqaa.aha.just wanna share with u guys and girls that a smile is a whisper of a laugh!

how cute!haha.jokes.this is me.urm,mama said:when i was still a baby,my eyes looks like 'sepet'2 like a japanese baby.wink2.huhu.that's y la sometimes mata i stim.act xde motif pon i upload this pic.just for fun.btw,thx for viewing.tadaa=)

wink2.what a great time spnding time with our own sblings rite?time ny we went to redbox at jusco tbrau city.urm,b4 pegi tu,we were very very hungry.tp ta smpt mkn coz we have to enter the room at 2 p.m.at last my sis bought some breads for 'alas perot'.hihi.we were in there for 3 hours.we stop at 5 p.m.and and then we quickly go to kotaraya to fetch mama.what a great tuesday!


friends are like pieces of puzzle.if we lose 1,it will never be complete.sweet things come in small packages.true friends never fail to make u smile babe.we believe that laughing is the best calorie burner haha.we also believe that happy girls are the prettiest girl.hihi.and and we believe that tomorrow is another day and sometimes we do believe in miracles. ;)

hello hello.evening guys.urm this photo saje2 upload.one of my memories jgk la for the year 2009.at this moment 'no teacher in the class'.huhu.so,we're just having fun,laughing,talking each other.most of the topic ,not important.haha.ye lahh kan.kononnye release our tension.haha.act there's more picture for that week.because time 2 i brought camera.kihkih.so,when i free je confirm ad snap.huhu.k la,have fun buddy!

i've got a hobby which is quite interesting.hihi.can you guess it?swimming?reading?dancing?no!
haha.let me tell you.ceh2 poyo plak.okay,it is about song,i love to make song,create song.yea2.something like that la.i just wanna to share something in here.every time i start,i'll remember this:
write from ur heart,write from ur soul,make the best of your talent,and don't ever let it go,not for nothing!

true love?

one of my friends told me this..
love is much like a wild rose,beautiful and calm,
but willing to draw blood in its defense..
the best and the beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched,
they must be felt with our heart.
and and this is love ,readers..

(jiwang moment)haha.

dear crazy person:
listen to me please..who r you to judge me and the life that i live?i know i know.i'm not perfect okay.and and i don't ever claim to be so.i just want you to know,before you point your finger,make sure that ur hands are totally clean! thank you.

yeap.i believe that things happen for a reason.people change so that we can appreciate them when they are right.i believe lies so i eventually start to trust no one but myself and sometimes good things fall apart.so better things can fall together.

no one tau

no one ever said life was easy,including me.aha.there will always be someone who will break our heart.we may be so depressed.we just sit in the corner and cry for hours.but we just have to remember that our life must goes on babe!

stick to this

to accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream not only plan but also believe...yes,that's right !


we can spend minutes,hours,days,weeks or even months over-analyzing a situation. trying to put the pieces together,justifying what could've,would've happened. or we can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.


dear readers,life is to0 short. grudges are waste of perfect happiness. laugh when we can. apologize when we should,and let go of what we can change. love deeply and forgive quickly. take chances. give everything and have no regrets. life is too short to be unhappy. we have to take the good with the bad. smile when we sad. love what we got and always remember what we had. always forgive and never forget. learn from our mistakes but never regret. people change and things go wrong. but always remember life goes on ..;)


ohh please i'd tried so many times.hopefully after this it won't happen again.